
VMs Elect Four Board Members from Pool of Eight

On Sept. 10, Westchase Voting Members (VMs) held their annual meeting, which marked the election of the WCA Board of Directors.

Winning the four seats were Jessica Siddle of The Greens, Jack Maurer of The Fords, Nancy Sells of Harbor Links/The Estates and Theresa Lanzar of Wycliff. They join current board members Michiel Oostenbrink, Terry Boyd and Rick Goldstein.

The four seats that were up for reelection belonged to Michele DelSordo, Shawn Yesner, Jim Brinker and Maurer, who was the only one seeking re-election. When the meeting commenced, Lanzar, Sells and Siddle were the only other declared candidates.

There was a call for nominations from the floor, at which point Rick Goldstein nominated Radcliffe alternate VM Keith Heinemann and Kingsford VM Forrest Baumhover; Jim Brinker nominated Bridges resident Patrick Ryan; and Eric Holt nominated Abbotsford VM Chris Jones.

Each candidate was allowed three minutes for an introductory statement. This was followed by a Q&A session and, finally, each candidate had one minute for a closing statement. VMs then cast their votes (four votes each). Siddle had 26 votes, followed by Lanzar with 19, Maurer with 18 and Sells with 13.

Organizational Meeting

On Thursday, Sept. 12, the WCA Board held an organizational meeting to appoint officers for the coming year. Goldstein made a motion to appoint Boyd as president. Before a vote could be taken, Oostenbrink said he would also like to be considered for president. The motion to appoint Boyd as president failed 3-4, with Oostenbrink, Siddle, Maurer and Lanzar dissenting. Maurer then made a motion to appoint Ooostenbrink as president. The motion passed 5-2 with Sells and Goldstein dissenting.

For Vice President, Goldstein made a motion to appoint Sells. Lanzar also expressed interest in the position. The motion to appoint Sells as VP failed 3-4 with Oostenbrink, Siddle, Maurer and Lanzar dissenting. Maurer motioned for Lanzar to be appointed VP, which passed 4-3 with Boyd, Sells and Goldstein dissenting.

When it came to Treasurer, Maurer, Siddle, Sells, Boyd and Goldstein all declined nominations for the position. Oostenbrink said if anyone was willing and able to do the job, he could walk them through the process. He then said there was an option that he could do it and take on an assistant, at which point Boyd said he’d be willing to be Treasurer. Oostenbrink made a motion to appoint Boyd as Treasurer, and it passed 7-0.

Goldstein nominated Sells for Secretary, which passed 7-0.

Oostenbrink nominated Siddle as WOW liaison, which passed 7-0.

Boyd nominated Goldstein to continue as Government Affairs Committee Chair, which passed 7-0.

In summary, your current WCA Board is comprised of President Michiel Oostenbrink, Vice President Theresa  Lanzar, Treasurer Terry Boyd, Secretary Nancy Sells, WOW liaison Jessica Siddle, GAC Chair Rick Goldstein and Director at Large Jack Maurer.



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