CDD News
CDD Discusses Landscaping Concerns
Chairman Matt Lewis began the June 4 meeting by opening the floor to audience comments. Radcliffe VM took the opportunity to update the board on his efforts gather the requisite number of votes needed to seek board approval to install security cameras. Sixty homes had responded, 80% in favor and 20% opposed. Forty homes had […]
CDD Initial Long-Range Survey Results
As our community approaches three decades of existence, the Westchase Community Development District (CDD) Board is working to develop a longer-range plan for the Westchase Community regarding the facilities for which it is responsible. As an initial step, the CDD Board launched a survey in November of 2023 intended to gather input on key priorities […]
CDD Board Continues Search for New Field Manager
All supervisors and staff were present for the final Westchase CDD board meeting of 2023 and Chairman Matt Lewis began by opening the meeting up to audience comments. Eric Holt of Radcliffe voiced his concerns over drivers speeding in his neighborhood and asked the Board to consider putting up a sign to mitigate potential accidents. […]
CDD Board Pleasantly Surprised by Sidewalk Report
District Manager Andrew Mendenhall began the Nov. 7 Westchase CDD meeting by seeking Board approval of the consent agenda, which included resolutions to amend the FY 2023 budget based on year-end numbers and subsequently assign the fund balance for FY 2023. All supervisors in attendance voted to approve. Supervisor Greg Chesney was absent. There were […]
CDD and WCA Budgets Approved
Westchase CDD In July, the Westchase CDD issued a letter informing residents that two public hearings would be held on Aug. 8. The letter also included a table outlining a Comparison of Assessment Rates for FY 2024 vs. FY 2023, based on the proposed budget. The first public hearing on Aug. 8 was to receive […]
Westchase Government Primer: HOA vs. CDD
Westchase falls under the jurisdiction of federal, state and county governments. In addition, the community is governed by two entities: the Westchase Community Development District (CDD) and the Westchase Community Association (WCA). A number of Westchase neighborhoods also lie within sub-homeowners’ associations. What is the CDD? The CDD is a special taxing district governed by […]
CDD Gets First Glimpse at WPV Plaza Renovation Costs
By Sarah Temple At the CDD’s Dec. 20 workshop the board was presented with estimated costs for the proposed redesign of the West Park Village Plaza. In her briefing with Sonny Whyte, architect Ivy Clinton had explained that some numbers are hard to estimate but she suggested the bids could be broken out into sections […]
Discussions Begin on Conceptual Design for West Park Village Plaza Renovation
The CDD board welcomed Ivy Clinton of VHB Architects to their Oct. 18 Workshop. Clinton was on hand to present conceptual designs for the renovation of West Park Village Plaza. During the presentation, she went over the purpose of the renovations, gave a review of the existing conditions and limitations of the area, and finally […]
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