Four Seats Open in the September 10 WCA Board of Directors Election

On September 10, 2024, the election of four Westchase Community Association (WCA) Board of Directors will take place.

Voting members (VMs) will elect the new directors during their Annual Meeting. Each will serve a two-year term. Current WCA directors whose terms expire this year are Shawn Yesner, Michele DelSordo, Jack Maurer and Jim Brinker.

The WCA Board of Directors is responsible for enforcing compliance with all deed restrictions, maintaining both of our swim and tennis centers and setting WCA policies. Every board member is a volunteer. More detailed descriptions of the board’s role may be found at or by calling the WCA office at (813) 926-6404.

Any association member in good standing is eligible to serve and nominate themselves, or to nominate another resident they believe would be a good addition to the board.

Florida statutes require new board members to complete a form stating that they have read the Association’s Declaration of Covenants, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and current written rules and policies. They also commit to upholding such documents and policies to the best of their ability and to discharge their fiduciary responsibilities to the WCA members in good faith.

If you are interested in WCA Board membership, please prepare a short narrative biography, up to 250 words, for the VMs to review and email it with a high-resolution photo to Bios and photos received by noon, August 9, will run in the September issue of the WOW.

Feel free to reach out to the WCA office at (813) 926-6404 or, or contact Nominating Committee members Michael Oostenbrink at
, Rick Goldstein at, Jim Brinker at or Sean Lynch at with any questions.

If you wish to volunteer in another capacity with the WCA, please also contact the individuals above or the WCA office and they will be able to give you details of other opportunities. The Association always needs volunteers with different backgrounds and appreciates all who express interest in serving the Westchase community.

Editor’s note: Please note that candidates must reside within the Westchase Community Association. Those neighborhoods can be found here. 


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