CDD Initial Long-Range Survey Results

As our community approaches three decades of existence, the Westchase Community Development District (CDD) Board is working to develop a longer-range plan for the Westchase Community regarding the facilities for which it is responsible. As an initial step, the CDD Board launched a survey in November of 2023 intended to gather input on key priorities of the residents of Westchase. The Survey was announced in the WOW as well as through the WCA notification system and was open to all residents. Residents across all 17 neighborhoods responded, with 509 total responses. This is a significant response, the largest of previous WOW facilitated surveys, representing roughly 15% of residential properties.

Residents were given the opportunity to make their priorities known by answering nine questions on a scale of Strongly Disagree (1) to Strongly Agree (5). Below are the questions along with averages of the responses given.

Question Average Response
Protecting residential property values is important to me 4.75


Protecting commercial property values is important to me.


Community facilities options or choices are important to me. 4.34


Community facility appearance is important to me.




The quality of the materials used in community facilities is important to me.




The expense of maintaining community facilities is important to me.




Environmental impact of our facilities is important to me. 3.77


Community facilities are currently meeting my expectations.




My future community facilities expectations are being met. 3.14


The averages indicate that the strongest community interest lies in residential property value, followed by commercial property value. Interests trend downward across the subject areas from there, enough to show relative importance. The two areas with more neutral responses pertained to expectations being met. When asked if community facilities are currently meeting expectations, this question also saw a majority (56%) answering in agreement. Another 24% had no opinion either way, or disagreed (20%). When asked about future community facilities expectations being met, only 31% believe future expectations are being met and the remainder had no opinion either way (51%), or disagreed (17%).

The CDD Board plans to further discuss the survey results at their Jan. 16 workshop as they pertain to exploring potential facility projects that typically require multi-year effort.




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