HOA News

WCA Board Votes to Negotiate Three-Year Contract with Greenacre

By WOW Editor | August 29, 2024

The Westchase Community Association Board of Directors held a special meeting on Tues., Aug. 27, to further discuss the candidates for property management following interviews held with incumbent Greenacre Properties Inc. (GPI) on Aug. 12 and Inframark on Aug. 16. Vice President Michele DelSordo kicked off the conversation by informing the audience that both Greenacre […]

VMs Debate Videorecording Their Own Proceedings at August Meeting

By Lynn Gonzalez | August 20, 2024

WCA Board Member Terry Boyd called the August Voting Members’ meeting to order in President Shawn Yesner’s absence, then moved on to new business. West Park Village Single Family Homes VM Mary Griffin took the floor to ask her fellow VMs to reconsider videorecording their monthly meetings. She acknowledged that Kathleen Reres from Shumaker, Loop […]

Board Discusses Masters Swim Program, Facility Hours and Budget Prep

By Lynn Gonzalez | August 14, 2024

During their Aug. 8 meeting, the WCA Board considered several facilities proposals and set budget workshop dates. Coach Patrick Piper of Pipeline Swimming took the floor at to ask the WCA board to consider reinstating a masters swim program at the Countryway pool. Several residents have requested the return of the program, he explained, because […]

RFP Committee Presents Findings to WCA Board and VMs

By WOW Editor | July 15, 2024

Findings were presented to the board at a special meeting on July 8 and to the VMs at their July 9 meeting. Westchase last conducted a Request for Proposal (RFP) for property management in 2007. Voting Members and the WCA Board agreed it was time to research what services exist as industry best practices for […]

WCA Board Members Investigate LED Replacement

By Lynn Gonzalez | July 15, 2024

Board Member Terry Boyd introduced Richard Toplak from FES, who attended remotely. In June, Boyd, who is also a member of the Swim & Tennis Committee, had introduced FES’ preliminary proposal to replace all of Westchase’s current pickleball and tennis lighting with LEDs at no cost to the community. The board requested more information on […]

Four Seats Open in the September 10 WCA Board of Directors Election

By WOW Editor | July 14, 2024

On September 10, 2024, the election of four Westchase Community Association (WCA) Board of Directors will take place. Voting members (VMs) will elect the new directors during their Annual Meeting. Each will serve a two-year term. Current WCA directors whose terms expire this year are Shawn Yesner, Michele DelSordo, Jack Maurer and Jim Brinker. The […]

Board Discusses Pool Repairs, Slide and Tennis Light Replacement

By Lynn Gonzalez | June 14, 2024

A handful of homeowners attended the resident forum prior to the June WCA Board meeting to express concerns about the association’s decision to close the West Park Village pool for repairs during the height of summer break. Board President Shawn Yesner said the repairs were scheduled to begin on July 8, but that he wasn’t […]

Hillsborough County Administrators Address Voting Members

By Lynn Gonzalez | June 14, 2024

GAC Chair Rick Goldstein introduced Hillsborough County Administrator Bonnie Wise. After offering a bit of background on the county, Wise presented a detailed breakdown of the current Fiscal Year 2024 budget. The operating budget is $3.646 billion, which goes towards the sheriff’s office, enterprise funds, healthcare services, public works, libraries, parks and more. The countywide […]

WCA Takes Stance on Crosswalk and Debates Pool Slide’s Fate

By WOW Editor | May 12, 2024

GAC Chair Rick Goldstein began by reopening discussions on the proposed crosswalk connecting Westchase Elementary to West Park Village. “Our community is best served when we are proactive,” he said. “We have a window of opportunity to be at the table when this decision is being made.” Goldstein added that from what he can see, […]

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